Biblical Studies Education

I offer up to undergraduate-level Biblical studies and theological instruction in a variety of settings, for the strengthening of daily life, community, and mission.

“Why a picture of sky?” In Biblical studies we encounter a Beauty far beyond our imagining. In all its complexity Scripture leads us to God – and brings Him to us. I love the sense of wonder that comes as we begin to see and hear, as our hearts are stirred to know Him.

How would you like to face our changing world with rich resources to guide you? What would it be like for you personally – and for your faith community – to be well-grounded in the Bible, and in solid, responsible scholarship of people dedicated to knowing God? Many scholars want their work to benefit the public, the church, for non-academics like you and me. I’m grateful for that! and I’m very excited about the possibilities for us as we access it.

I offer up to undergraduate-level teaching in Bible and related subjects. I am academically qualified to teach in formally-accredited institutions, as well as in less formal settings like churches, institutes, and conferences. 

I’m especially interested in teaching in focused church programs designed to equip students for daily life in Christian community and mission, and in undergraduate institute settings with small cohorts of adult students. I have experience in both of these venues.

My academic credentials include a Master of Arts in Theological Studies  (Integrated concentration) from Regent College, in Vancouver, BC Canada – I graduated in May 2021.  I love that place!

My key academic interests are Biblical theology; Biblical text, history and cultural background; ancient Christian faith and spirituality; catechesis and spiritual formation.  My page features several of my Regent College papers, some of which are frequently accessed by researchers. For what it’s worth, my work is usually rated in Academia’s fluid top 5% for viewers.

I’ve written and taught 1-week and 3-week condensed semester courses in person to adults in the Ukrainian Bible Institute, located in Donets’k (2010 & 2012) and Kyiv (2016, 2018, online in 2021). Ukrainian Bible Institute is accredited in Ukraine, and provides courses that are acceptable for entry into some Masters level programs in Kyiv universities.

 Click here for the full UBI reference letter. See below for course details. 

When the Bible is read well and taught well, God speaks through it to us. My task in teaching is to introduce students to the message of the text in its time, and to guide them in how to read and learn from it in ways that affect our lives every day – individually, corporately, and in the bigger picture of God’s work to redeem the world. I support students’ growth with new information – with old information presented in fresh ways – and with high regard and encouragement. God loves these students!

Find more details of my work on my LinkedIn profile here.

“Cross, Conversion, Community: Paul’s Letter to the Galatians.” How does God connect with people in real life, for the challenges we face every day? A few wrong turns and we’re shut out from God, each other, and the lives of non-Christian people – but a few right turns, and we become people who make the difference, who bring beauty that saves the world. Paul writes this passionate letter to Christians who need to be reminded of the centre of our faith – so that God can use us! There’s a huge difference between personally following God through Jesus and being religious by culture. Along with conventional exegesis I introduce some of the insights of historical and socio-rhetorical study.


“The New Testament Letters of Philippians and 1 & 2 Thessalonians.” How do we become the kind of people who bring the love that wins, the truth that triumphs, the compassion that heals, the beauty that saves the world? These letters give that vision and instruction to two very different communities, of people facing quite different challenges – but called to the same joyful, powerful centre, for the same beautiful purpose. One church is new, under tremendous pressure, still trying to find the distinctive way of life in Christ for the first time – like many of our new churches. The other is well-established, relatively comfortable, and needs to be refreshed in in what it means to follow Jesus from the deep heart into visible life – perhaps like some of our well-established churches. In this course socio-rhetorical study enhances the more conventional historical and theological study of these books.

“The Old Testament Books of Jeremiah and Ezekiel.” What do you do when your whole world is on fire? When all around you are people you can’t trust, who speak twisted words and are always looking to take advantage of you? When the externals – the economy, the politics, the social safety net – are all falling apart? The books of Jeremiah and Ezekiel are an immersion into the old world falling apart, and the new world that hasn’t come together yet. Where do we go for hope for the future? How do we live through the fire, walk empty-handed into the desert, pick up the pieces and start over? History and Biblical theology come together to direct us in our own path of covenant faithfulness to the One who is faithful to us.

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