In all that’s changing

Growing spiritual roots …

What would you do with an hour of focused attention devoted solely to helping you connect with God, other people, yourself, and your world? What would happen if you have “many” hours for it?!

风火河 : And, if you’re new to living in this country, you may discover new opportunities for living in fresh, new spiritual connection – the kind that gives new life to you – and to everything around you. What good could come from that?!

Supporting and encouraging churches in transition …

“So much is changing! Our future seems so uncertain! Where do we belong?” How will your church navigate its course into the future? Who will be your new community, and how will you think about and do “ministry”? How can we draw closer to God and become more responsive to God while we’re in “the wilderness” of being “in-between”? What support will you need as you discern the path and take steps forward?

Biblical and theological education … for ordinary people

“We’ve never been here before!” In some ways, that’s true. But in other important ways, we follow the same patterns of our ancestors! How does the Bible and theology help us learn from the experience of those who came before us, in a way that will make sense in our now and in our future? When we ourselves – and our faith communities – grow in well-grounded Biblical and theological studies, we can find incredibly rich sources of joy for today, and hope for tomorrow! I’m really excited about the possibilities!

In the end …

Love wins; truth triumphs; compassion heals; “beauty will save the world” (F. Dostoyevsky) Spiritual life isn’t only about being shaped by ideas from the past. Knowing how God is going to end the story re-shapes how we live now! How differently will you live, knowing that God is making all things new? Let’s work on it together.

As in heaven, so on earth!

That’s the plan! My work encourages us to welcome the intrusion of God’s unseen love, all around us, into the world we experience every day. The first prayer Jesus taught us opens us up for God’s work in us – and all around us. Whether we rejoice in wonder, slog through an ordinary day, or lament with hot tears, we can find God and share in being made new, and in making all things new. Let’s work on it, together.

“Like a tree planted by streams of water, not withering, but bearing its fruit in season.” Ps 1

“Deep roots are not reached by the frost.” Tolkien