The Athabasca Glacier – and “finding hope in a hopeless time”*

Welcome! Let’s explore the intimate connection of heaven and earth, the unseen and the seen, the future and now, what we perceive with our minds and what’s impressed onto our hearts – unseen love and our lived experience.

My wife and I spent a few weeks of the summer of 2017 driving from Niagara Falls, Ontario (her hometown) back home to sunny Surrey, BC, where we live. Along the way we stopped at the Athabasca Glacier in western Alberta’s Glacier National Park – an experience not to be missed. 

So startling to see how much this massive, noble glacier has receded – and how quickly – signs and markers are posted in the area, with old pictures of the glacier in its former serene glory. What a disturbing reminder that something’s changing in our long-range weather, our experience of climate. I don’t understand this conundrum, and I don’t know the answers to it – but I can’t fail to acknowledge it and care! 

But I saw something else, something unexpected, even more startling … look carefully, and consider with me about it. 

For over 240,000 years this inert land, previously covered by the glacier, hasn’t seen the sun and the wind and the rain of our daily experience. For the bearing and sustaining of life, it was as hopeless as the Moon. Now, because of influences from outside itself, this formerly barren land is sprouting with life! These beautiful wild flowers, seeds drifted in from who-knows-where, have found safe places to take root – and sure as Love from the other side is real, their roots are slowly pulverizing the hard rock into soil. As this land warms to the sun, chills in the night, soaks in the soggy rain, dries out in the free air and wind, plants renew its face. For the first time in untold thousands of years, it’s even beginning to host animal life. Who knows what this land will look like in ten years, a hundred years, a thousand years? 

It reminds me of an ancient story of waters parted for dry land to appear – for abundant plant life to grow, and then animal life, and then … what was once a hopeless wasteland was renewed and brought to life! And of course, to this very day we live in that very place, with all our joys, sorrows, ordinary boringness, our despairs – and perhaps our own hopes.

And that reminds me of the heart of God’s love from the unseen side, breaking in here: it’s all about hope, joy, the gift of an amazing and unpredictable future for life. If you’ve ever felt like your life is a barren land hopelessly covered in immovable ice, unable to experience change and life and growth, take note: love from the unseen side can do for you what it’s doing for the newly liberated land at Athabasca Glacier. And perhaps more quickly. 

I get that climate change is a serious matter, don’t misunderstand me. I don’t know how to save the Athabasca Glacier. But don’t miss the renewing miracle that’s happening right before our eyes. The glacier in its glory is awesome – but the renewing miracle on the face of this land is full of hope and joy! For the land – and for us!

*The expression, used by permission, comes from “Gentle Heart,” a wonderful song by the Canadian singer-songwriter Joshua Hyslop. Click on the links to enjoy.

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