I offer preaching, teaching, consultation, and pastoral care on a part-time, interim or occasional basis to support local churches’ ministry, as they seek longer-term resources for their ministries, or as they work toward “re-planting.” 

“Why the photo?” It’s about how heaven is reflected here, as Jesus taught us to pray: “as in heaven, so on earth.” Living as God’s reflection, God’s intrusion into our lives and our communities, is a beautiful metaphor for the Kingdom of God. I want that!

Most of us who attend churches are seeing big challenges that few of us anticipated even 10 years ago: big, sudden changes in our social culture; big attendance drops; changes in our local church leadership as our pastoral people move on, retire or are released. We’re wondering where the next generation of members will come from – never mind the next generation of leaders!

Many devoted Christian people I know are puzzled, frustrated, worried. They feel inadequate for their tasks of life, and especially for what they think God requires of them – even if they believe in salvation by grace! Dissonance breeds heartfelt discouragement.

Non-Christian people no longer seem to “get our typical presentation-of-faith. Truth to tell, many ordinary Christians can’t quite make sense of it anymore, either. As our surrounding culture changes, our own perceptions change, too: we’re left with old answers to old questions that few people are asking – and new questions that need better answers! I believe we can learn!

Some churches are considering “re-planting,” starting over with fresh language for our faith, better listening to people, and a new sense of focused community and mission. My friends in ethnic churches are trying to nurture a new generation, but feel caught between the old world and the new.

I care about all this! I provide supportive ministry and teaching for churches that are looking for a new sense of God’s future – in whatever condition they’re in right now.

I’ve served thriving churches and dying ones. I understand that many of us are just trying to figure this thing out.  I seek to encourage existing leaders and members in local churches – not to assign blame, and not to assume leadership myself.

I’ve preached and taught in churches as a full-time minister for most of 45 years, to a wide variety of audiences and constituencies – including “new Canadians,” “newer Christians,” and people with no religious background. I’ve specialized in working with churches under 200 in attendance.  Click here for a reference letter from the South Burnaby Church of Christ in Burnaby, BC, where I served full-time for 32 years.

I’ve most recently served as a part-time Associate Teacher in Ministry for the Shelbourne Street Church of Christ in Victoria, BC. Contact me for a reference from them. Find more details of my work in ministry generally on my LinkedIn profile here.

I’ve provided occasional Sunday preaching for the Cambie Village Church in Vancouver, BC – click here to contact their English Service Advisory member for a reference.

I seek to hear and speak God’s Spirit for the people I serve, to build up and encourage. I seek to speak the Good News for pre-/non-Christian people, in fresh terms that they haven’t heard before. Can you and I learn it together?!

Click here for more about my academic credentials and interests.

I have a wide exposure to different forms of Christian faith – I was raised partly in a pre-Vatican II Roman Catholic church and primary school; I learned skepticism; I have been affiliated with “Churches of Christ” (a restoration/unity movement with conservative Protestant roots); I’ve been encouraged by some Pentecostal, charismatic, “third wave” and post-renewal influences; and I’ve learned from some modern Orthodox, liturgical and contemplative influences. I can relate to a variety of religious-cultural “languages.”

I offer a free, no-obligation one-hour initial consultation meeting – so that we can get acquainted, and so that we can determine how what I offer can meet your questions and needs.

But enough about me. Tell me about you and your church. How can I serve you?

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