
I offer supervised guided conversation and study resources in English to help you find your spiritual life and grow in it.

“Why a compass?” Spiritual life is about paying attention, following signs – the compass shows us where to look, where to go. Very many things in life point us to God. Let’s learn how to see the signs, and to follow them.

What would you do with an hour of focused attention, dedicated to helping you find meaningful answers to your deepest heartfelt questions?

Welcome to Canada!  I hope that your experience of living here brings you great joy and satisfaction. This is a beautiful country – you and your family can be planted and grow in new ways that you’ve perhaps never seen before. Here in this new place and new culture you may also find new challenges to your whole experience of life, relationships, work. It’s not all easy!

If you’ve never been interested in spiritual life before, you may now have new opportunities to explore new ideas and ways to enhance your life.  The uncertainty and newness of life here is an excellent time and place to begin.

“Why do I need spiritual consulting and education?”

Everyone needs it. Everyone experiences personal imbalance within themselves, within relationships, within daily life – and we lose connection with God. This imbalance and disconnection shows up in our lives in many ways … in things that hurt us and others. We try many ways to fix the imbalance, but we often fail because we don’t understand the disconnection, the deepest cause of the imbalance. Fortunately, God is always working to help us find our way, to experience the kind of life that we have been created for. 

I’ll bet that you’re a hardworking person! But have you ever slowed down enough to notice how beautiful the world around you is? Have you ever taken time to feel the deep places in your heart – and in other people’s hearts? Have you ever asked yourself, “What is really truthful here? and what is simply “advertising” to make me do what someone else wants?”

My task is to provide you with a still, quiet place and guiding questions so that we ask big questions – and begin to discover answers. So we can begin to notice how God shows up to us. Sometimes people talk about trying to “find God” – but it’s more true that God is at work to find us.

Hello! I’m Kirk Ruch, and my Chinese name is 陆道明. I speak and work in English. Click here to find out more about me.

I help you to “pay attention” through a series of focused 60-minute conversations and gentle homework assignments. Group interactions with other people who are also exploring their connection to God might be available, too. 

I am a safe person who will listen to you and provide careful, empathetic spiritual consulting and education. My work with you is strictly confidential and private.  My work in spiritual direction is supervised for additional growth and improvement.

I work in English. Consulting with me will improve your English and provide you with words to help you feel and talk about spiritual, personal matters. You will learn how to talk about important matters of life with other people in a whole new way. This alone may significantly improve your life!

“What are ‘spiritual consulting,’ ‘spiritual education?”

They’re different kinds of focused conversations – sometimes with homework. Spiritual life begins with what you’re paying attention to, and grows as you pay more attention.  

In “spiritual consulting” and “education” I listen carefully to you and share relevant information and instructive tasks that can help you build a framework for growing your understanding, and opening your life up to connection with God.

Psychologists, coaches, therapists, and clinical counsellors help you deal with specific details about your life. My work is about the “big picture” of your life, the “context” of your life. Change the big picture, and watch how the specific issues change!

“I’m don’t think I even believe in God.”

God isn’t troubled by that. God is very much interested in communicating with you and knowing you, and will help you find your way. If you have questions, they’re important. Our conversations can help you discover connection with God in fresh ways that prepare you for the answers to your questions. Along the way, you may discover new questions and new answers that satisfy your heart very deeply.

“If I’m interested in believing in God, where would I start?”

Let’s talk about this! God is interested in more than getting you to believe that “God exists”: God wants to know you, and wants to help you flow together with God, other people, within yourself, and with the whole Creation.

“Why should I believe in God? What difference does having any kind of spiritual life make? What good is it?”

I’ve asked these questions, too! And I’ve been in conversations with international friends for very many years about all these things, and more. 

I offer a free, no-obligation one-hour initial consultation meeting – live or online – so that we can get acquainted, and so that we can determine how what I offer can meet your questions and needs. Let’s talk together and learn together!

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